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Distributed Antenna Systems

College Students

Use Case

In areas like college campuses there is lower wireless service quality, due to building construction materials such as metal structures and low e-rated windows. Universities encounter these issues on cellular coverage and capacity over the entire campus, often resulting in student’s complaints about not being able to make phone calls and connect to the Internet because of poor cellular coverage and interference from the buildings walls and infrastructure.


Intelibs’ Hybrid DAS offers ideal wireless solution for the campus environment with flexibility and scalability in terms of selection of antenna transmission powers, and indoor/outdoor antennas installations. It also derives connection of RF source from the central head end room or the remote building rooftop RF source. The system is even designed to work in hard-to-reach areas such as underground utility tunnel.

Indoor and outdoor wireless coverage DAS with use of the existing fiber infrastructure becomes more critical mass to make the project vital with affordable Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). However, since the existing fiber infrastructure resource may be tight, it is crucial that the DAS solution must use minimum fiber infra structure resource. Intelibs HDAS solution enables the venue ownership, carriers and network operator to build the wireless coverage and capacity network in economic TCO. As shown in the figure below, HDAS network is built with mixture of indoor and outdoor antennas to provide the complete coverage and capacity within the venue area.

Typical DAS Solution

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